Our Ministers
Adam & Bethany Smith

Adam grew up in Georgia, and graduated with a Bachelor's in Fine Arts. He was baptized in 2003, called to the ministry in 2005, and been appointed as an Evangelist. Adam has served in ministries across several states, later earning a Masters in Divinity and a certificate in Grief Recovery.

Bethany was baptized in 1990 in the Boston area and graduated with a Bachelor's in Journalism from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, where she also led the ministry. She has experience in campus and teen ministries in New England, in non-profit fundraising, and singles ministry in Texas.

Adam and Bethany and their daughter moved to their current city in April 2020, enjoying the local culture and community.

Our Team

Jahan & Abi
Young Professionals (YoPro) Ministry
Keith & Lea
Gentilly Ministry
Miguel & Monica
Kenner / Spanish Ministry
Matt & Cindy
Metairie Ministry
Joe & JoAnn
New Orleans / Carrolton Ministry
Ken & Cindy
Northshore Ministry
Alvin & Wendy
Northshore East / Slidell Ministry
Don & Jackie
Northshore West Ministry
Seth Holloway
Campus Ministry
Jordan B.
Singles Ministry
Mature Single Women's Ministry
Westbank Ministry
Westbank Ministry
Children's Ministry